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The Denver Kehillah is a Modern Orthodox shul and community. We are inspired by the timeless values embodied in Torah, Halacha and Jewish ethics even as we are attuned to the distinct challenges and gifts that the secular world brings. The Denver Kehillah is guided by its commitments set out in the following pillars:

​Halacha: As a Modern Orthodox congregation, our practices and decisions are governed by Halacha. We are committed to studying together to be well-informed on the issues facing our community. We treasure our living Mesorah that serves as the foundation of our Kehillah while we are also committed to making decisions that best represent and reflect our community’s values.

​Torah: “Aseh Toratcha Kevah” Torah is primary in our lives through the commitment to daily study and as the source of our values. It is our responsibility to teach Torah broadly and model a life committed to Torah.

​Tefilla: Communal tefilla that engages both men and women is a foundation of our Kehillah. We strive to create an atmosphere conducive to developing a personal relationship with God through respectful, dignified, and joyous traditional tefilla. Children are welcome to join in tefilla as well as in youth programming. We are committed to providing our community with daily minyanim as well as Shabbat and Chagim services.

Zionism: The establishment and flourishing of the State of Israel is of undeniable religious significance. We recognize and appreciate the contributions of the State of Israel to worldwide Jewry. We encourage activism and advocacy on behalf of Israel even as we note that support of Israel comes in many forms and spans different ideological outlooks.

​Women: We embrace the developments that have opened up high level Jewish study to women and opportunities for women to lead our communities. The Denver Kehillah looks forward to proactively providing all women of the community ways to study, teach and assume leadership roles.

​Inclusivity: The Denver Kehilla is committed to the principle of “Kol Yisrael Areyvim Ze La’zeh,” all Jews are connected to and responsible for one another. As such, Jews of all backgrounds, orientations, abilities, affiliations, and observance levels are welcome in our community.

Chesed: “Olam Chesed Yibaneh” Build the World with Kindness. Members of The Denver Kehillah are dedicated to performing acts of kindness and service for each other and for those in need. All of humanity is created in God’s image; we therefore aim to promote the well-being of all.

Value of the Secular World: We affirm the value of interacting with, gaining from, and contributing to the secular world. We are committed to using our strengths to contribute to the greater Denver, Colorado, and American communities that we call home.



Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785