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The Denver Kehillah - Sefer Torah Campaign

As we approach our 4th anniversary, The Denver Kehillah is proud to launch its Sefer Torah Campaign. Our new Torah will be completed at a Hachnasat Torah on Sunday, June 1, 2025 -- a few hours before the start Shavuot.

In this way, we will usher in the chag as our very own Zman Matan Torateinu.

We are extremely grateful to Essie, Lisa and Jonathan Perlmutter; Barbara, Lauren and Sam and Rascoff; Carol Sunshine and Arinn and Noah Makovsky who have underwritten the hard costs of the Torah, and who will be dedicating it in loving memory of:

Jordon Perlmutter z'"l; Joel Rascoff z"l; Bernard Sunshine z"l

מעשי אבות סימן לבנים
The Actions of the Fathers are an inspiration to their Children
Nachmanides - רבי משה בן נחמן

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The last of the 613 Commandments of the Torah is the Mitzvah to “Write for yourselves this Song” 
This verse is understood as the charge for every Jew to write their own Torah Scroll.

Thanks to the generosity of the Perlmutters, Rascoffs and Sunshine/Makovskys our community is able to fulfill this unique, once in a lifetime mitzvah.

By dedicating a portion of the Shul's new Sefer Torah you can lend your voice to this song. A song that our people have sung for thousands of years. Please see the opportunities listed below to join us in this mitzvah!

(Parasha dedications are not limited to one sponsor, however partial dedications are not available)

If you have multiple dedications and wish to specify different names for each, please identify the dedications here along with the name(s)
Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785